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Image by Harsh :)

As we are a fully-remote game development studio, the form below is the best way to pass a message through to us. We will contact you via the email left below if necessary. However, feel free to contact us directly through our socials if that is preferred, though we prefer email for business inquiries.

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  • What kinds of games will Micro Raptor make?
    We plan to explore any idea or genre that interests us, though we do have to keep scope and capabilities in mind. Creating a quality experience is of utmost importance to us, and if we bite off more than we can chew, so to speak, we may be sacrificing that desired quality. Our first title, Cauldron Chronicles, is an open world alchemy game set in a stylized, fantasy world. You'll be creating potions for unique characters that may drastically alter their fates, or the fate of the entire realm!
  • Does Micro Raptor ever plan on becoming a public company?
    Micro Raptor does not plan on ever becoming a publicly-traded company. We vastly prefer the freedom that being a private company affords us, as well as the lack of overhead regarding company structure and shareholder discussions.
  • What does Micro Raptor use to communicate?
    Micro Raptor uses Discord for company AND community communications. We believe that this helps tear down as many walls as possible between us and our players, allowing us to quickly and easily discuss or share things with everyone.
  • How large is Micro Raptor's team, and how large will it become?
    Currently, Micro Raptor is a team of 3, though we're keeping things on the down-low for the time being. As for expected team size, we don't anticipate ever growing past 15-20 full-time employees. We enjoy the closer bonds and ease of communication that a smaller team can allow, and a smaller team means that individuals have a larger impact on the product as a whole.
  • How does Micro Raptor help facilitate a healthy working environment?
    First and foremost, as is core to our values, we are adults making games. What does this mean? As we're all adults, we treat each other with the care and understanding that there are good days and bad days. There may be days where you can get a lot of work done, and days where you get little done at all. You'll have some good ideas, and you'll have some bad ideas. Such is the way of life, and we're all the same in that regard! But we're also making games, and there are many times where being an adult is boring as hell. Games are fun, so we want to have fun making them too! It ain't all gonna be 9-5 work days where you come in, do your tasks, and end for the day. Let's get that straight! Game tournaments, meme sharing during breaks, off-topic discussions -- these are all 'par for the course' at MicroRaptor. More than that, we pride ourselves in having a flat, collaborative hierarchy where anyone can become a feature owner! We encourage all employees to challenge themselves, and work with each other to find the best solution to a problem. Lastly, but not least, we're pretty relaxed when it comes to NDAs and regulations. We don't have to worry about stocks as a private LLC, and we want to encourage discussion with our community. Want to stream yourself working on our game to make a little extra cash or help promote the game? Ask first, but likely no issue. Have a side project you're cooking up? Tell us over some beers, we'd love to see what your imagination has concocted!
  • How will MicroRaptor monetize their games?
    All of our games will either be free or be a one-time purchase, priced ethically for every region. Additionally, we will NEVER have any of the following: Microtransactions Non-Steam DRM Day 1 Paid DLC Pay-for-convenience DLC Lootboxes NFTs Blockchain Technology Paid/Premium Currencies Cash Shops
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